
Daily Appropriate Prepositions

 Jan      Feb       Mar      Apr    May     June 

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25 July 2021

627) Zeal for (উৎসুক) They have Zeal for games and sports.
628) Zest for (আগ্রহ) His zest for life is noteworthy.

24 July 2021

625) Yearned for (আকাঙ্ক্ষা করা) He yearned for his home and family.
626) Yield to (বশ্যতা স্বীকার) The government has yielded to public pressure.

23 July 2021

623) Want of/for (অভাব) The plants died from want of water.
624) Want in (ঘাটতি) They don't want in courage.

22 July 2021

621) Weak in (দুর্বল) Ram is weak in Physics.
622) Weakness for (দুর্বলতা) The leader has weakness for money and fame.

21 July 2021

619) Wait for (অপেক্ষা করা) I have been waiting for ten minutes.
620) Wait upon (সেবার জন্য মজুত থাকা) He is waiting upon guests.

20 July 2021

617) View on (মত) What is your view to the subject ?
618) View to (উদ্দেশ্যে) He is building a house with a view to selling it.

19 July 2021

615) Victim of (বলি) She was a victim of dowry.
616) Victim to (ভোগকারী/শিকার) They fell victim to the epidemic.

18 July 2021

613) Vested with (অর্পণ করা) Parliament is vested with the duty of framing laws.
614) Vexed with (বিরক্তি বোধ করা) She was vexed with the enquiry.

17 July 2021

611) Vary from (আলাদা হওয়া) Indian oranges vary from those of Brazil.
612) Versed in (দক্ষ) He is well versed in German.

16 July 2021

609) Used to (অভ্যস্ত) The old man is quite used to hard work.
610) Used for (জোর দিয়ে করা) The machine is used for agricultural work.

15 July 2021

607) Unite with (মিলিত হওয়া) He was again united with his family.
608) Urge upon (জোর দিয়ে করা) She was unconscious of her influence over the people.

14 July 2021

605) Unaware of (অসচেতন) He was unaware of my presence.
606) Unconscious of (অসঙ্গত) She was unconscious of her influence over the people.

13 July 2021

603) Trust to (ভরসা করা) At such times you have to trust to your instincts.
604) Trust with (দায়িত্ব দেওয়া) The headmaster is trusted with the task.

12 July 2021

601) Tremble with (কাঁপা) Her voice trembled with fear.
602) True to (নিষ্ঠাপূর্ণ) He will remain true to his beliefs.

11 July 2021

599) Treat of (আলোচনা করা) Education is treated of in this book.
600) Treat to (দেওয়া/খাওয়ানো) He treated the boys to ice cream.

10 July 2021

597) Touch on (উল্লেখ করা) The article touches on the issues.
598) Touch with (সামান্য স্পর্শ থাকা) The atmosphere is touched with nostalgia.

9 July 2021

595) Tired of (ক্লান্ত) I am tired of your complaints.
596) Tolerant of/towards (সহিষ্ণু থাকা) He was tolerant of his son's passion for dance.

8 July 2021

593) Thirst for/after (আকাঙ্ক্ষা করা) The Buddhist monks had thirst for knowledge.
594) Tide over (অতিক্রম করা) At last they had been able to tide over the difficulty.

7 July 2021

591) Think of/about (চিন্তা করা) She is thinking of changing his job.
592) Think on/over (বিষয়ে চিন্তা করা) Please think on what I have said.

6 July 2021

589) Thankful to (কৃতজ্ঞ) I am thankful to my seniors.
590) Thankful for (উপকৃত) He is thankful for your cooperation.

5 July 2021

587) Teem with (পূর্ন হওয়া) The river is teeming with fish.
588) Testify to (সাক্ষ্য হওয়া) The teacher testified to the boy's honesty.

4 July 2021

585) Taste for (রুচি বা পছন্দ থাকা) I have taste for modern songs.
586) Taste of (আস্বাদ) I do not like the taste of this chocolate.

3 July 2021

583) Sympathetic to (সহানুভূতিশীল) Everyone is sympathetic to him.
584) Synonymous with (সমার্থক) Wealth is not alway's synonymous with generosity.

2 July 2021

581) Sympathy for/with (সহানুভূতি) He deserves sympathy for his misfortune.
582) Sympathise with (সহানুভূতি দেখানো) I sympathise with you at this.

1 July 2021

579) Suspicious of (সন্ধিগ্ধ) The man is generally suspicious of strangers.
580) Suspend from (বহিষ্কার করা) She was suspendee from school.

30 June 2021

577) Surprise at (বিস্মিত হবার) I was surprised at the sudden change.
578) Suspect of (সন্দেহ করা) He is suspected of drug trafficking.

29 June 2021

575) Supplement to (পরিপূরক) This volume is supplement to the dictionary.
576) Sure of (নিশ্চিত) We are sure of victory.

28 June 2021

573) Supply to (বিতরণ করা) Our enemies are supplying arms to the terrorists.
574) Superior to (উৎকৃষ্টতর) The apples of New Zealand are superior in qualit to those of India.

27 June 2021

571) Suitable to (উপযোগী) The arrangement is suitable to our needs.
572) Supply with (যোগান দেওয়া) I have supplied him with enough information.

26 June 2021

569) Suffer for (ফল ভোগ করা) You have to suffer for this.
570) Suitable for (উপযুক্ত) This candidate is suitable for the post.

25 June 2021

567) Sufficient for (পর্যাপ্ত) The income is not sufficient for the maintenance of my family.
568) Suffer from (ভোগা) Many children of India suffer from malnutrition.

24 June 2021

565) Succeed in (কৃতকার্য) He succeeded in the examination.
566) Succumb to (মারা যাওয়া/আত্মসমর্পণ) The accident victim succumbed to his injuries.

23 June 2021

563) Substitute for (বিকল্প) He will substitute for me in the meeting.
564) Succeed to (উত্তরাধিকারী হওয়া) When the king died his son succeeded to the throne.

22 June 2021

561) Subsequent to (পরবর্তী পর্যায়ে) There have heen developments subsequent to our problem.
562) Subsist on (খেয়ে বাঁচা) He subsisted mainly on vegetable and fruit.

21 June 2021

559) Subordinate to (অধীনস্থ) He is subordinate to me in office.
560) Subscribe to (চাঁদা দেওয়া) I subscribe to 'Nature' magazine.

20 June 2021

557) Subject of/for (বিষয়) What is the subject of today's discussion?
558) Submit to (বশ্যতা স্বীকার) The rebels finally submitted to the chief.

19 June 2021

555) Stoop to (অবনত হওয়া) The captain finally stooped to defeat.
556) Subject to (সাপেক্ষে) The decision is subject to his approval.

18 June 2021

553) Stick to (আঁকড়ে থাকা) He stuck to his principle in the face of hardship.
554) Strange to (অপরিচিত) What you say is strange to me.

17 June 2021

551) Start from (কোনো স্থান থেকে যাত্রা) The train started from Kolkata.
552) Stick at (লেগে থাকা) If you stick at it, you will succeed.

16 June 2021

549) Stare at (তাকানো) He stared at me with blood-shot eyes.
550) Start for (যাত্রা করা) The team started for New Zealand last week.

15 June 2021

547) Spread over (ছড়িয়ে থাকা) The payment spreads over a month.
548) Stain on (কলঙ্ক) It is a stain on his character.

14 June 2021

545) Sorry about (দুঃখিত কিছুর জন্য) Sorry about the noise last night.
546) Spread out (ছড়িয়ে পড়া) The search party spread out in different parts of the country.

13 June 2021

543) Snatch at (আঁকড়ে ধরা) You better snatch at the opportunity.
544) Sorry for (দুঃখিত হওয়া কিছু করার জন্য) I am sorry for shouting at you.

12 June 2021

541) Smell of (গন্ধযুক্ত হওয়া) The curry smells of onion.
542) Smile at (মৃদু হাসা) She smiled at me then.

11 June 2021

538) Slow about (মন্থর) They were very slow about paying me.
539) Slow at (চটপটে নয়) The child is slow at doing sums.
540) Slow down (ধীরগতি করা) You must slow down in your lifestyle.

10 June 2021

536) Slave of (ক্রীতদাস) Macbeth was a slave of ambition.
537) Slave to (বশীভূত) He is slave to drinking.

9 June 2021

534) Silent about/on (নীরব) The history of India is uncannily silent about the disappearance of Netaji.
535) Similar to (সদৃশ) It is similar in taste to cucumber.

8 June 2021

532) Similarity to (সাদৃশ্য) The bird shows great similarity to Indian crow pheasant.
533) Similarity between (মিল) There is similarity between the areas.

7 June 2021

530) Sick of (বিরক্ত) I am sick of waiting like this.
531) Side with (পক্ষ নেওয়া) I like to take side with them.

6 June 2021

528) Short of (পিছিয়ে থাকা) I am a bit short of time.
529) Shrink from (বিচ্যুত হওয়া) There is no point in shrinking from the truth.

5 June 2021

526) Sensitive to (স্পর্শকাতর) The machine is sensitive to power fluctuation.
527) Sentence to (দণ্ডিত করা) The convict was sentenced to rigorous punishment.

4 June 2021

524) Senior to (বড়) Mr.Roy is senior to me in service.
525) Sensible of (অবগত থাকা) Are you sensible of the danger of your mission ?

3 June 2021

522) Seek for/after (খোঁজা) We are seeking solution for this problem.
523) Seek from (কারুর কাছে চাওয়া) You must seek permission from the Manager.

2 June 2021

520) Search of (সন্ধানে) The Huns came to India in search of food.
521) Secure from/against (নিরাপদ) Are you secure from attack here?

1 June 2021

518) Satisfaction of (সন্তোষ বিধান করা) I performed it to the satisfaction of the senior.
519) Search (a place) for (খোঁজা) ONGC is searching the place for oil.

31 May 2021

516) Satisfaction in/at (সন্তুষ্টি) He lacks satisfaction in service.
517) Satisfaction with (সন্তোষের সঙ্গে) She looked back at her work with satisfaction.

30 May 2021

514) Safe from (নিরাপদ) We are safe from interruption here.
515) Satisfy with (সন্তুষ্ট থাকা) You should satisfy him with your diligence.

29 May 2021

512) Rude to/about (রুঢ়) He was rude to her (my cooking).
513) Sacred to (পবিত্র) The Gita is sacred to the Hindus, We are safe from interruption here.

28 May 2021

510) Rid of (দূরে থাকা) Try to get rid of bad habits.
511) Rob of (হরণ করা) The passengers were robbed of their money.

27 May 2021

508) Reward for (পুরস্কার প্রদান) The boy was rewarded for his courage.
509) Rich in (সমৃদ্ধ) The area is rich in natural resources.

26 May 2021

506) Revenge on (প্রতিশােধ নেওয়া) He took revenge on the man by killing him.
507) Reward with (পুরস্কার করা) He was rewarded with a promotion.

25 May 2021

504) Retire from (অবসর নেওয়া) The teacher will soon retire from service.
505) Retire to (বিশ্রাম নেওয়া) After lunch he retired to his study.

24 May 2021

502) Restrict to (সীমাবদ্ধ থাকা) Entry to the club is restricted to members only.
503) Result of (ফল) What is the result of today's match?

23 May 2021

500) Rest with (নির্ভর করা) The decision rests entirely with you.
501) Restore to (ফিরিয়ে দেওয়া) Long rest restored him to good health.

22 May 2021

498) Responsible to (দায়িত্ববদ্ধ) One should be responsible to one's duties.
499) Responsible for (দায়ী) You will be responsible for the loss.

21 May 2021

496) Respectful to (শ্রদ্ধাশীল) We are respectful to seniors.
497) Respond to (সাড়া দেওয়া) The patient has responded to medicine.

20 May 2021

493) Respect for (শ্রদ্ধা) Children should show respect for their teachers.
494) Respect of (সম্পর্কে) Price rises in respect of gas.
495) Respect to (প্রসঙ্গে) This is true with respect to English.

19 May 2021

491) Resolve into (পরিণত করা) Regular attendance is required of me.
492) Resolve upon (দৃঢ়সংকল্প করা) He resolved upon making an early start.

18 May 2021

489) Require of/from (প্রয়োজন) Regular attendance is required of me.
490) Resign to (আত্মসমর্পণ করা) She seems resigned to her fate.

17 May 2021

487) Replace by/with (পাল্টানো) The old players will soon be replaced by new ones.
488) Reply to (উত্তর দেওয়া) He failed to reply to the question.

16 May 2021

485) Repent of (অনুশোচনা করা) You have to repent of your mistakes.
486) Repentance for (অনুতাপ করা) His behaviour shows no repentance for his action.

15 May 2021

483) Remind of (স্মরণ করানো) These boys remind me of my childhood.
484) Render into (রূপ দেওয়া) His dreams were finally rendered into reality.

14 May 2021

481) Remarkable for (উল্লেখযোগ্য) Darjeeling is remarkable for its natural beauty.
482) Remedy for/against (প্রতিকার) He found a remedy for his grief in hard work.

13 May 2021

479) Relieved from/of (মুক্ত হওয়া) The new secretary relieved from his work-load.
480) Rely on (নির্ভর করা) Rely on a good dictionary in such matters.

12 May 2021

477) Related to (আত্মীয়/সম্পর্কিত) I am related to him on the maternal side.
478) Relevant to (প্রাসঙ্গিক) The theory is relevant to modern day.

11 May 2021

475) Relation between [ সম্পর্ক (দুটি জিনিস] He wrote a book on the relation between rainfall and harvest.
476) Relation with (সম্বন্ধে) His relation with his family is very good.

10 May 2021

473) Rejoice in/at (উৎফুল্ল হওয়া) The fans rejoiced in the victory.
474) Relation to (সম্বন্ধে) In relation to your conclusion I have nothing to say.

9 May 2021

471) Refrain from (বিরত হওয়া) Refrain from taking drugs.
472) Regard for (শ্রদ্ধা পোষন) He has great regard for the old man.

8 May 2021

469) Refer to (উল্লেখ করা) The case was referred to the court.
470) Reflect upon (চিন্তা করা) They reflected much upon the problem.

7 May 2021

467) Recover from (আরোগ্যলাভ) He has just recovered from illness.
468) Reduce to (কমে বা ক্ষয়ে যাওয়া) He is reduced to a shadow of his former self.

6 May 2021

465) Reconcile to (মে নেওয়া) It took time to reconcile to the great loss he suffered.
466) Recourse to (অবলম্বন) The doctor took recourse to surgery.

5 May 2021

463) Reckon on (ভরসা করা) You cannot always reckon on good weather.
464) Reckon with (গণ্য করা) He is an enemy to reckon with.

4 May 2021

461) Reason for (কারণে) What are the reasons for your leaving the job ?
462) Reason with (তর্ক করা) It is futile to reason with a man like him.

3 May 2021

459) Ready at (তৈরি রাখা) Keep the things ready at your hands.
460) Ready with (তৎপর) Ge is always ready with an answer.

2 May 2021

457) Quarrel with (ঝগড়া করা) I have no quarrel with him.
458) Quarrel over/about (কিছুর জন্য বিবাদ) It is not wise to quarrel over property.

1 May 2021

455) Qualify for (যোগ্য) The bowler is qualified for inclusion in the team.
456) Quick at (ছটপটে) He is quick at calculation.

30 April 2021

453) Provide against (ব্যবস্থা করা) Insurance provides against loss of money.
454) Provide with (সরবরাহ করা) The refugees will be provided with food.

29 April 2021

451) Proof against (প্রতিরোধ) This clothing was not proof against foul weather.
452) Protect from/against (রক্ষা করা) We should protect young children from harm.

28 April 2021

449) Prompt in (চটপটে) They are prompt in solving problems.
450) Prone to (ঝোঁক) The area is prone to flooding.

27 April 2021

447) Profitable to (লাভজনক) Cultivation no longer remains profitable to the farmers.
448) Prohibit from (নিষেধ করা) He was prohibited from taking part in the meeting.

26 April 2021

445) Proficient in (দক্ষ) He is proficient in English.
446) Profit by (লাভবান হওয়া) He profited by his rival's mistake.

25 April 2021

443) Proceed with (এগোনো) Please proceed with your report.
444) Proceed from (শুরু হওয়া) Evil often proceeds from greed.

24 April 2021

441) Pride in (গর্ববোধ করা) We take pride in being Indian.
442) Pride on (অহংকার) He prides himself on remaining calm.

23 April 2021

439) Prey to (শিকার) Many young men fall prey to drugs.
440) Prey on (খেয়ে বেঁচে থাকা) The lion preys on deer.

22 April 2021

437) Pretend to (ভান করা) I don't pretend to any great understanding of music.
438) Prevent from (বাধা দেওয়া) None can prevent us from going abroad.

21 April 2021

435) Present with (উপহার দেওয়া) I have no prejudice against people of other religions.
436) Preside at/over (সভাপতিত্ব করা) The mayor presided at the function.

20 April 2021

433) Prejudice against (সংস্কার) I have no prejudice against people of other religions.
434) Prepare for (প্রস্তুত হওয়া) If you want peace prepare for war.

19 April 2021

431) Precaution against (সতর্কতা) Take precaution against fire in the house.
432) Prefer to (পছন্দ করা) I prefer tea to coffee.

18 April 2021

429) Popular with (জনপ্রিয়) The author is popular with his readers.
430) Popular for (জনখ্যাত) He is popular for his generosity.

17 April 2021

427) Polite in (বিনয়ী) The boy is polite in his manners.
428) Poor in (কম/অপ্রতুল) The country is poor in minerals.

16 April 2021

425) Pleased with [সন্তুষ্ট হওয়া(ব্যক্তি)] The boss is pleased with me.
426) Plunged in (ডুবে যাওয়া) The area was plunged in darkness.

15 April 2021

423) Plead for [ওকালতি করা (কিছুর জন্য)] The boy pleaded for mercy.
424) Plead with [মিনতি করা (ব্যক্তি)] He pleaded with the headmaster for his promotion.

14 April 2021

421) Play on (বাজানো) He plays on a flute.
422) Play with (খেলা করা) Don't play with fire.

13 April 2021

419) Persist in (লেগে থাকা) She persists in her belief.
420) Pity for (দয়া) He is full of pity for the starving animals.

12 April 2021

417) Peculiar to (বিশিষ্ট) The bird is peculiar to Asia.
418) Permit of (অনুমোদন করা) The situation does not permit of any delay.

11 April 2021

415) Patient with (সহিষ্ণু) You have to be patient with him.
416) Peace with (শান্তি) The countries are in peace with each other.

10 April 2021

413) Particular about (সতর্ক) She is particular about what she wears.
414) Passion for (আসক্তি) He has a passion for music.

9 April 2021

411) Partake in (অংশ নেওয়া) He partakes in the social life of the village.
412) Partial to (পক্ষপাতিত্বপূর্ণ) He is partial to his son.

8 April 2021

409) Parallel to (সমান্তরাল) The road and the canal are parallel to each other.
410) Part from (বিদায় দেওয়া) The children parted from their father.

7 April 2021

407) Overcome with (অভিভূত/আক্রান্ত) He is overcome with grief.
408) Owe to (ঋণী) I owe much to him.

6 April 2021

405) Originate in (শুরু হওয়া) The disease is said to have originated in America.
407)Originate from (উৎপন্ন হওয়া) Mughal architecture originated from South Asian architecture.

5 April 2021

403) Opposite to (বিপরীত দিকে) The bank is opposite to the Nandanik hotel.
404)Opposition to (বিরোধিতা) We found ourselves in opposition to some of our colleagues.

4 April 2021

401) Opportunity to (সুযোগ) There is opportunity for further change.
402) Oppose to (বিরুদ্ধাচরণ করা) They are opposed to the proposal.

3 April 2021

399) Offensive to (অপমানজনক) His remark is offensive to my sense of dignity.
400) Open to (উন্মুক্ত) The scheme is open to all.

2 April 2021

397) Occur to (মনে হওয়া) It occured to me that he might come.
398) Offend against (দোষ করা) His conduct offended with the law.

1 April 2021

395) Occupied with (ব্যস্ত) We are occupied with office works.
396) Occupied in (পরিব্যপ্ত) He is fully occupied in looking after children.

31 March 2021

393) Oblige for (অনুগ্রহ) I am obliged to his kind help.
394) Obstacle to (বাঁধা) There are many obstacles to success.

30 March 2021

391) Objection to/against (প্রতিবাদ) My main objection to the plan is that it is expensive.
392) Oblige to (কৃতজ্ঞ) He is much obliged to his teacher.

29 March 2021

389) Negotiate with (নিষ্পত্তি) We have decided to negotiate with the rebels.
390) Object to (আপত্তি করা) They objected to the plan.

28 March 2021

387) Neglect of (অবহেলা) He was criticized for neglect of duty.
388) Negligent of (অমনোযোগী) He is negligent of his duties.

27 March 2021

385) Need of (প্রয়োজন) We are in need of careful planning.
386) Need for (অভাব) There is no need for you to come.

26 March 2021

383) Necessity for (প্রয়োজন) There is necessity for improved child-care.
384) Necessity to (অপরিহার্যতা) Literacy is a necessity to development.

25 March 2021

381) Mourn for (শোক করা) The country mourns for the departed leader.
382) Muse on (চিন্তা করা) Try to muse on the consequences.

24 March 2021

379) Mix in (মেলামেশা করা) Mix water slowly in the solution.
380) Mix with (সংসর্গে আসা) I mix with all sorts of people.

23 March 2021

377) Menace to (বিপদ) Iliteracy is a menace to the society.
378) Mindful of (মনোযোগী) The students should be mindful of their studies.

22 March 2021

375) Meditate upon (চিন্তা করা) Meditate upon the sufferings of the martyrs.
376) Meet with (বিপদের সম্মুখীন) On the way he met with an accident.

21 March 2021

373) Marry to (বিবাহ করা) She was married to a well-off man.
374) Match for (সমকক্ষ) The curtains are a perfect match for the room.

20 March 2021

371) Mad with উত্তেজনায় (পাগল হওয়া) The crowd went mad with excitement.
372) Mad about (পাগল) The youngman is mad about football.

19 March 2021

369) Lost in (মগ্ন) He has lost humself in watching TV .
370) Lost to (বোধশক্তিহীন) When he listens to music he is lost to the world.

18 March 2021

367) Live in/at (বাস করা) He lives in Delhi.
368) Live on (বেঁচে থাকা) The music of Kishore Kumar lives on.

17 March 2021

365) Liable for (অপব্যয়) You will be liable for any damage caused.
366) Lickness to/of (দায়ী) This is the true lickness to the man.

16 March 2021

363) Lavish upon (অপব্যয়) They lavish millions election campaign.
364) Liable to (দায়ী) The offenders are liable to fine.

15 March 2021

361) Laugh at (বিদ্রুপ করা) Don't laugh at poor men.
362) Lavish in/with (বেহিসেবী) He was lavish in his praise.

14 March 2021

359) Lame of (খোঁড়া) The old man is lame of one leg.
360) Lament for/over (অনুতাপ করা) He lamented for his recklessness.

13 March 2021

357) Knock at (আঘাত করা) The man began to knock at the door.
358) Lack of (অভাব) There is a lack of food in the barrack.

12 March 2021

355) Kind of (অনুগ্রহ) It is very kind of you to come here.
356) Kind to (দয়ালু) Vidyasagar was very kind to his fellowmen.

11 March 2021

353) Keen on (উৎসাহী) The boy is keen on playing cricket.
354) Key to (চাবিকাঠি) Industry is key to success.

10 March 2021

351) Jump at (লুফে নেওয়া) They jumped at the proposal.
352) Jump to (সিদ্ধান্তে আসা) Don't jump to decisions in haste.

9 March 2021

349) Jest about (ঠাট্টা করা) One should not jest about such important matters.
350) Join in (যোগ দেওয়া) Can I join you in the game ?

8 March 2021

347) Jealous of (হিংসুক) Everyone is jealous of his success.
348) Jeer at (বিদ্রুপ করা) Don't jeer at the old man.

7 March 2021

345) Invited to (আমন্ত্রিত) The Royal couple was invited to dinner.
346) Involved in (জড়িত থাকা) He is involved in the matter.

6 March 2021

343) Intrude upon (অনধিকারপ্রবেশ) It is not wise to intrude upon one's privacy.
344) Intrude into (জোর করে প্রবেশ) The miscreants intruded into the room.

5 March 2021

341) Introduce to [পরিচয় করানো (ব্যক্তির) The host introduced me to the other guests.
342) Introduce into (প্রবেশ করানো) The guests were introduced into the room.

4 March 2021

339) Intimate with (অন্তরঙ্গ হওয়া) We are intimate with each other.
340) Intimate to (জানানো) The matter was intimated to me.

3 March 2021

337) Interfere with (হস্তক্ষেপ করা) All of the noise was interfering with my concentration.
338) Interfere in (বাধা দান) She was resentful of anybody's attempts to interfere in her work.

2 March 2021

335) Inspire with (উৎসাহিত করা) The old man inspired me with encouragement.
336) Interest in (আগ্রহান্বিত) I have no interest in politics.

1 March 2021

333) Insensible to (বোধহীন) A teacher should not be insensible to the sentiment of pupils.
334) Insist upon (জোর করা) She insisted upon my going there.

28 February 2021

331) Inquire about (কোনো কিছু অনুসন্ধান) The passenger inquired about te arrival of the train.
332) Inquire for (কোনো ব্যক্তিকে খোঁজা) The police inquired theculprit.

27 February 2021

329) Inform of (জানানো) The company informed me of this.
330) Infuse into (প্রবেশ করানো) New energy has been infused into the youth.

26 February 2021

327) Infested with (উপদ্রুত) The city of Hamelin was infested with rats.
328) Influence with/over [প্রভাব ( ব্যক্তির উপর ) ] The manager has no influence over the workers.

25 February 2021

325) Indifferent to (উদাসীন) He is indifferent to what is happening all around.
326) Inferior to (নিকৃষ্ট) This brand of Mobile is inferior to my mobile.

24 February 2021

323) Inclusive of (অন্তর্ভুক্ত) The price is inclusive of all taxes.
324) Independent of (নির্ভরশীল নয়) He is now independent of his parents.

23 February 2021

321) Include in (অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা) The poem has been included in the syllabus.
322) Indebted to (ঋণী) I am indebted to my friends for the favour.

22 February 2021

319) Incentive to (উৎসাহদায়ক) The pay rise is in incentive to the employees.
320) Inclination to (ঝোক) He has an inclination to acting.

21 February 2021

317) Indulge in (আসক্তি) Let us not indulge ourselves in bad habit.
318) Indulge with (প্রশ্রয় দেওয়া) Don't indulge the boy with too much attention.

20 February 2021

313) Impose upon (চাপিয়ে দেওয়া) Additional tax has been imposed upon the people.
314) Impress with (মনে দাগ কাটা/প্রভাবিত করা) The audience was impressed with the speech.

19 February 2021

311) Impatient for (ধৈর্য্যহারা) People are impatient for a change.
312) Import from (আমদানি করা) Samsung Mobile is imported from South Korea.

18 February 2021

309) Impart to (দেওয়া) The teachers impart knowledge to their pupils.
310) Impatient of (অধৈর্য) I am impatient of the delay.

17 February 2021

307) Immersed in (নিমজ্জিত) The plant is immersed in water for some time.
308) Immune from/to (সুরক্ষিত/মুক্ত) The vaccination makes one immune from diseases.

16 February 2021

305) Ignorant of (অজ্ঞ) I am totally ignorant of computers.
306) Immaterial to (অপ্রাসঙ্গিক) It is immaterial to me whether he stays or not.

15 February 2021

303) Hunger for (আকুল হওয়া) The soldier hungered for food.
304) Identical with (একরকম) The twins are identical with each other.

14 February 2021

301) Hunt for (তল্লাস করা) The police is hunting for the terrorists.
302) Hunt out (খুঁজে বার করা) Finally I hunted out the diary.

13 February 2021

299) Hint at (সংকেত করা) A new meaning is hinted at through the poem.
300) Hope for (আশা করা) We hope for a better future.

12 February 2021

297) Heir to (উত্তরাধিকারী) The man is the sole heir to the property.
298) Hide from (লুকানো) Don't hide anything from the doctor.

11 February 2021

297) Hatred of/for (ঘৃনা) She has a hatred of racism. (স্বাজাতিকতা/বর্ণবাদ)
298) Harmful to (ক্ষতিকর) Smoking is harmful to health.

10 February 2021

295) Happen to (ঘটা) I hope that nothing has happened to him.
296) Hanker after (আকাঙ্ক্ষা করা) He hankers after money.

9 February 2021

293) Guess at (অনুমান করা) We can only guess at the name of the murderer.
294) Guilty of (অপরাধী) The man was found guilty of negligence.

8 February 2021

291) Grumble at (অসন্তুষ্ট হওয়া) Why do you grumble at me ?
292) Grumble over (অনুযোগ করা) He began to grumble over the injustice.

7 February 2021

289) Grieve for (শোক করা) She grieves for her dead husband daily.
290) Grieve over (অনুশোচনা করা) Don't grieve over spilt milk.

6 February 2021

287) Greedy of/for (লোভী) The politician is greedy of power.
288) Greed of/for (লোভ) The man has no greed of wealth.

5 February 2021

285) Grateful to (কারুর প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞ) I am grateful to you.
286) Grateful for (কিছুর প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞ) I am grateful for your help.

4 February 2021

283) Good at (ভালো/দক্ষ) He is good at Mathematics.
284) Good for (যোগ্য) It is not good for your health.

3 February 2021

281) Glance at (পলকে দৃষ্টি দেওয়া) He glanced at the headlines of the papers.
282) Glance over (চোখ বুলানো) The officer glanced over the newspaper.

2 February 2021

279) Glad at/about (আনন্দিত) I am glad at your passing the examination.
280) Glad of (খুশী) He would be glad of your help.

1 February 2021

277) Free from (বিপদমুক্ত) The patient is free from danger.
278) Free of (মুক্ত) The police is determined to make the city free of crime.

31 January 2021

275) Fit for (উপযুক্ত) The young man is fit for the post.
276) Fond of (অনুরক্ত) I am fond of sweets.

30 January 2021

272) Fight with (ভীত) We had a fight with the opponent.
273) Fight over (অনুভব করা) The man is fighting over the issue.
274) Fight Against (কিছুর বিরুদ্ধে লড়াই) We have to fight hard against superstition.

29 January 2021

270) Fear of (ভীত) I have no fear of darkness.
271) Feel for (অনুভব করা) Vidyasagar felt for the woman of the country.

28 January 2021

268) Favourable to (অনুকূল) The decision is favourable to us.
269) Favourable for (উপযোগী) The weather is favourable for the growth of the plant.

27 January 2021

266) Famous for (বিখ্যাত) New York is famous for its tall buildings.
267) Favour of (পক্ষে) Draw the cheque in favour of the school.

26 January 2021

264) Faith in (বিশ্বাস থাকা) One should have faith in God.
265) Faithful to (বিশ্বস্ত) Dogs are generally faithful to their masters.

25 January 2021

262) Explain to (ব্যাখ্যা করা) He explained his plan to us.
263) Expose to (মেলে ধরা) The students at this level are exposed to the basics of English grammar.

24 January 2021

260) Expert at/in (সুদক্ষ) He is expert at cooking meals.
261) Expert on (বিশেষজ্ঞ) He is a noted expert on Mughal History.

23 January 2021

258) Experience of (অভিজ্ঞতা) He has long experience of such cases.
259) Experienced in (অভিজ্ঞ) He is experienced in batting in middle order.

22 January 2021

256) Exempt from (অব্যাহতি দেওয়া) He was exempted from punishment for bad health.
257) Expect from/of (আশা করা) You cannot expect too much from me.

21 January 2021

254) Excuse from (অব্যাহতি দেওয়া) The prisoner is excused from rigorous punishment.
255) Excuse for (অজুহাত) The candidate has excuse for every fault.

20 January 2021

252) Exclude from (বাদ দেওয়া) The chapter is excluded from the syllabus.
253) Exclusive of [বাদে(বহির্ভূত)] The price is exclusive of sales tax.

19 January 2021

250) Exchange for (বদল) I bought this TV in exchange for my old one.
251) Exchange with (বিনিময়) I exchanged the seat with him.

18 January 2021

248) Exception to (আপত্তি করা/ব্যতিক্রম) He took great exception to what I said./ This is an exception to the law.
249) Exception of (ছাড়া) With the exception of this, everything is ready.

17 January 2021

246) Excel in (শ্রেষ্ট হওয়া) He has excelled in the German language.
247) Example of (উদাহরণ) This is an example of exceptional courage.

16 January 2021

244) Essential to/for (অত্যাবশ্যক) Hard work is essential for succes.
245) Escape from (পালানো) There was no way to escape from disaster.

15 January 2021

241) Equal in সমান (বিষয়ের সঙ্গে) Nobody can equal Sachin in skill.
242) Equal with সমান (মানুষের সঙ্গে) Every man is equal with his fellowmen.
243) Equal to (যোগ্য/উপযুক্ত) He doesn't feel equalto the task.

14 January 2021

239) Entrust with (বিশ্বাস করা) He entrusted him with the task.
240) Envy of (ঈর্ষা করা) He could not conceal his envy of me.

13 January 2021

237) Entertain with (আপ্যায়ন) He entertained us with his stories and jokes.
238) Entile to (অধিকার) After a day's hard work you are entitled to a long rest.

12 January 2021

234) Enter into (প্রবেশ করানো) The data have been entered into the machine.
235) Enter (without preposition) (প্রবেশ) Ram entered the room.
236) Enter upon (শুরু করা) The president has just entered upon his second term of office.

11 January 2021

231)Engage with (রত থাকা) A politician should be engaged with people's concerns.
232) Engage in (কোন বিষয়ে ব্যস্ত) I am not engaged in politics.
233) Engage to (বিবাহে) They are engaged to each other.

10 January 2021

229)End in (পর্যবসিত হওয়া) Their long struggle ended in failure.
230) Endow with (ভূষিত) He is endowed with intelligence and good looks.

9 January 2021

227) Emerge from (উদ্ভূত হওয়া/দেখা হওয়া) The moon emerged from behind the clouds.
228) Encroach upon (অনধিকার প্রবেশ) The law is encroaching upon human rights.

8 January 2021

225) Eager for/after (উৎসুক) He is not very much eager for success.
226) Eligible for (যোগ্য) The candidate is eligible for selection.

7 January 2021

223) Dwell in (বাস করা) He dwells in Kolkata.
224) Dwell upon (আলোচনা করা) Don't dwell upon the topics for too long.

6 January 2021

221) Dull of (কানে খাটো) The man is dull of hearing.
222) Dull at (কাঁচা) The boy is dull at Mathematics.

5 January 2021

219) Doubt about/of (সন্দেহ থাকা) I have no doubt about his integrity (সততা).
220) Due to (কারণে) He could not attend the meeting due to illness.

4 January 2021

217) Divert from (ভিন্নমুখী করা/হওয়া) The road diverts from two parts.
218) Divide into (ভাগ করা) The cake is divided into two parts.

3 January 2021

215) Distinguish between (তুলনা/পার্থক্য করা) The colour-blind persons cannot distinguish between red and green.
216) Distinguish from (পৃথকীকরণ) The power of speech distinguishes man from animal.

2 January 2021

213) Dissimilar to (বিসদৃশ) This car is dissimilar to the new one.
214) Dissuade from (নিবৃত্ত করা) They tried to dissuade me from going there.

1 January 2021

211) Dissent from (ভিন্ন মত পোষণ করা) The committee dissented from the কি report.
212) Dressed in (পরিহিত) The priest was dressed in white.

31 December

209) Disqualified for [ (a post) অযোগ্য বিবেচিত ] He is disqualified for the post.
210) Disqualified from (অযোগ্য বিবেচনা করা) He was disqualified from driving for six months.

30 December

207) Dispose of (বিক্রি করা) You should dispose of your old car early.
208) Dispute with [তর্ক করা (ব্যক্তি)] Don't dispute with your colleagues.

29 December

205) Displease with [অসন্তুষ্ট (ব্যক্তি)] Rohit is displeased with Ratan.
206) Displease at/by [অসন্তোষ(কোন কিছুর প্রতি)] The boy is displeased at his irregularity.

28 December

203) Dislike for/of (অপছন্দ) I have a dislike of red colour.
204) Dispense with (ত্যাগ করা) Let's dispense with formalities.

27 December

201) Disgrace to (কলঙ্ক) Riots are disgrace to our country.
202) Disgust with [বিরক্ত(কিছুর প্রতি)] I am disgusted with him (his behaviour) .

26 December

199) Discussion with (আলোচনা) I had discussion with him in the matter.
200) Disagree with (ভিন্নমত হওয়া) I disagree with you in this point.

25 December

197) Disappoint in (খুশি নয়) He was disappointed in in love.
198) Disappointed with [(অসন্তুষ্ট (ব্যক্তি)] He is disappointed with him.

24 December

195) Difficulty with (অসুবিধা) We got into difficulty with the payment.
196) Disappoint of (হতাশ হওয়া বা করা) I am disappointed of my performance.

23 December

193) Difference between (পার্থক্য) There is a difference between the two boys.
194) Different from (পৃথক) Royal Bengal Tiger is different from the Himalayan Tiger.

22 December

193) Differ from (ভিন্নরূপ হওয়া) Indian elephants differ from African ones.
194) Differ with (ভিন্ন মত হওয়া) I differ with you on this point.

21 December

191) Die in [মৃত্যু (যুদ্ধক্ষেত্রে)] The soldier died in battle.
192) Die through [মৃত্যু (অযত্নে)] Many children die through negligence.

20 December

191) Die from [মৃত্যু (আঘাতে)] The victim died from his injury.
192) Die for [মৃত্যু (দেশের জন্য)] The martyr died for his country.

19 December

189) Die of [মারা যাওয়া (অসুখে)] The old man die of cancer.
190) Die by (হিংসাত্মক ঘটনায় মারা যাওয়া) Many men died by violence during the riot.

18 December

187) Deter from (বাধা হওয়া) Strict rules cannot deter the boy from smoking.
188) Devoid of (বিহীন) His life is devoid of success.

17 December

185) Despair of (নিরাশ হওয়া) I despair of him for his worthlessness.
186) Detach from (বিচ্ছিন্ন হওয়া) She datached herself from the group.

16 December

183) Desire for (ইচ্ছা) The monk had no desire for wealth.
184) Desirous of (ইচ্ছুক) The leader is desirous of getting his name printed.

15 December

181) Descend from (উদ্ভূত হওয়া) Babar descended from the family of Chengis Khan.
182) Deserving of (যোগ্য) The candidate is deserving of being appointed.

14 December

179) Deprive of (বঞ্চিত করা) He is deprived of his right.
180) Derive from (প্রাপ্ত) Many English words derive from Latin.

13 December

177) Depend upon (নির্ভর করা) The yield depends upon the weather.
178) Depend on (নির্ভরশীল হওয়া) You can depend on him in this matter.

12 December

175) Deliver to (হাতে তুলে দেওয়া) The postman delivered the letter to me.
176) Deeliver from (বাঁচানো) The boy delivered his little friend from drowning.

11 December

173) Delight in (খুশি হওয়া) He takes delight in shocking others.
174) Delight at (আহ্লাদিত) I am delighted at your success.

10 December

171) Deficient in (অভাবযুক্ত) The food is deficient in iron.
172) Deficiency of (অভাব) The patient is suffering from deficiency of iron.

9 December

169) Dedicate to (উৎসর্গ করা) The book is dedicated to the readers.
170) Defend from (রক্ষা করা) The tribes could not defend themselves from the attack.

8 December

167) Debar from (বঞ্চিত করা) The boy is debarred from the examination.
168) Decide on (ঠিক করা) We have decided on this candidate.

7 December

165) Deal in (ব্যবসা করা) He deals in rice.
166) Deal with (আচরণ করা) Try to deal pleasantly with everyone.

6 December

163) Deaf in (কালা) He is deaf in both ears.
164) Deaf to (কর্ণপাত না করা) The secretary remains deaf to our request.

5 December

161) Credit with (কৃতিত্ব অর্জন করা) He is credited with a number of wise decisions.
162) Cure of (আরোগ্যলাভ) The man is cured of the disease after a long time.

4 December

159) Count for (গুরুত্বপূর্ণ হওয়া) Knowledge without common sense counts for nothing.
160) Credit to (জমা করা) Credit the amount to my account.

3 December

157) Correspond with (চিঠিতে যোগাযোগ) The man tried to correspond with his friends.
158) Correspond to (একমত/মিল হওয়া) Your opinion corresponds to that of mine.

2 December

155) Contribute to (অবদান/ভূমিকা থাকা) Rashness contributes to his failure.
156) Control over (নিয়ন্ত্রণ) The police has total control over the situation.

1 December

153) Connive at (প্রশ্রয় দেওয়া) Don't connive him at his pranks.
154) Contrary to (বিপরীত) It is contrary to my belief.

30 November

151) Contrast with (তুলনা করা) Contrast it with the poem by Tagore.
152) Convince of (নিশ্চিত) How can I convince you of my honesty ?

29 November

149) Contact with (সংযোগ) The leaders should have contact with common people.
150) Content with (সন্তুষ্ট) He is content with his success.

28 November

147) Consistent with (সামঞ্জস্য থাকা) His speeches are consistent with his principles.
148) Consult with (আলোচনা করা) Consult with a lawyer before taking any measure.

27 November

145) Consist of (তৈরি) The committee consists of five members.
146) Consist in (নির্ভর করা) The beauty of the poem consists in its simplicity.

26 November

143) Congratulate on (অভিনন্দন জানানো) I congratulate you on your success.
144) Conscious of (সচেতন হওয়া) They are conscious of the development.

25 November

141) Conform with (একমত হওয়া) We should conform with the rules of the school.
142) Congenial to (অনুকূল) The weather is congenial to his health.

24 November

139) Confined in (আবদ্ধ) He is confined in the office all day long.
140) Confine to (সীমাবদ্ধ) Confine your criticism to what you know.

23 November

137) Confident of (আত্মবিশ্বাসী) We are confident of success.
138) Confer on (প্রদান করা) Honours were conferred on him.

22 November

134) Conceive of (ধারণ করা) Long ago men conceived of the earth as a flat place.
135) Condemn to [death] (দণ্ডিত) The man is condemned to death.
136) Condemn for [a deed] (দণ্ড দেওয়া) The papers condemn him for his mistake.

21 November

132) Composed of (তৈরি) Water is composed of Hydrogen and Oxygen.
133) Conceal from (গোপন করা) Conceal this from the children.

20 November

130) Complain to ([অভিযোগ করা (ব্যাক্তি)] The boy complained to the headmaster.
131) Complain of/about (দুঃখ প্রকাশ) The patient complained of noise.

19 November

128) Competent for (উপযুক্ত) He is competent for the post.
129) Compete with (প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বিতা করা) [ব্যক্তির সঙ্গে] They compete with each other.

18 November

126) Compensate with (ক্ষতিপূরণ করা) The victim must be compensated with money.
127) Compensate for (a loss) [ক্ষতিপূরণ] Compensate him for the loss.

17 November

124) Compare with (সদৃশ বস্তুর মধ্যে তুলনা) Kalidas is compared to Shakespeare.
125) Compare to (বিসদৃশ বস্তুর মধ্যে তুলনা) Anger is compared to fire.

16 November

122) Coincide with (মিল হওয়া) The incident coincides with his resignation.
123) Comment on (মন্তব্য করা) Don't comment on such matters.

15 November

120) Close to (নিকটে) The man is close to his heart.
121) Clothed in (ভূষিত) He is clothed in black.

14 November

118) Clear of (দূরে থাকা) Keep clear of bad company.
119) Cling to (লেগে থাকা) She clung to the belief that he was alive.

13 November

116) Charge against (অভিযোগ) There are several charges against him.
117) Charge of (দায়িত্ব) He is in charge of the office.

12 November

114) Certain of (নিশ্চিত) He is certain of success.
115) Claim to (দাবী থাকা) I made no claim to expertise.

11 November

112) Cautious of (সতর্ক থাকা) Be cautious of the man.
113) Caution against (সাবধানতা) I would caution against excessive hope.

10 November

110) Capacity for (সামর্থ্য) She has an enormous capacity for hard work.
111) Cause of (কারণ) It was the cause of the happening.

9 November

108) Care for (গ্রাহ্য করা) I do not care for him.
109) Care of (যত্ন নেওয়া) Take care of your health.

8 November

106) Callous to (উদাসীন) The man is callous to his duties.
107) Capable of (সমর্থ) She has an enormous capacity for hard work.

7 November

104) Burden with (বোঝাগ্রস্ত হওয়া বা করা) I don't want to burden you with my problems.
105) Busy with (ব্যস্ত) She is busy with housework.

6 November

102) Born of (জন্মগ্রহণ করা) Najrul was born of poor parents.
103) Bound for (গামী) The train is bound for Mumbai.

5 November

100) Blessed with (আশীর্বাদযুক্ত) She is blessed with excellent health.
101) Boast of (গর্ব করা) He boasts of his noble birth.

4 November

98) Blind of/in (অন্ধ) He is blind of both eyes.
99) Blind to (স্নেহান্ধ) You must not be blind to his faults.

3 November

96) Coincide with (মিল হওয়া) The incident coincides with his resignation.
97) Comment on (মন্তব্য করা) Don't comment on such matters.

2 November

94) Bestow on/upon (ভূষিত করা) Knighthood has been bestowed on/upon him.
95) Beware of (সতর্ক) Beware of dogs.

1 November

92) Believe in (বিশ্বাস করা) He does not believe in God.
93) Belong to (অধিকার করা) This car brlongs to my brother.

31 October

90) Aware of (সচেতন থাকা) He is not aware of the new developments.
91) Bad at (খারাপ) He is bad at Mathematics.

30 October

88) Avail of (সুযোগ গ্রহন) Avail yourself of the opportunity.
89) Available to (পাওয়ার জন্য বিবেচিত) The facility is available to the students only.

29 October

86) Authority on (বিশেষজ্ঞ) Dr. Sen is an authority on mughal history.
87) Authority over (কর্তৃত্ব থাকা) She has now authority over the people who once ruled her.

28 October

84) Attend to (মনোযোগ দেওয়া) Attend to your studies.
85) Attend upon (সেবা করা)The nurse attended the patient.

27 October

82) Attack on (আক্রমন) The enemy launched an attack on them.
83) Attack with [ আক্রমন (রোগ) ] He is attacked with chicken pox.

26 October

80) Astonished at (বিস্মিত হওয়া) We were astonished at the news.
81) Attach to (সংযুক্ত করা) Attach a label to each book.

25 October

78) Associate with (সংযুক্ত থাকা) The tide in the river is associated with the moon.
79) Assure of (নিশ্চিন্ত করা বা হওয়া) He is assured of his success.

24 October

76) Aspiration for (উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষা) He has aspiration for serious politics.
77) Assent to (মত দেওয়া) I can never assent to such proposal.

23 October

74) Ashamed of (লজ্জিত) She was deeply ashamed of her behaviour.
75) Ascribe to (আরোপ করা) He ascribes his failure to bad luck.

22 October

72) Arrive at [পৌঁছান (শহরে)] He arrived at Kolkata.
73) Arrive in [ পৌঁছান (দেশে) ] The team arrived in Australia.

21 October

70) Arrangement with [ব্যবস্থা করা (ব্যক্তি)] I have such arrangement with him.
71) Arrangement for [ ব্যবস্থা করা (কিছুর জন্য) ] Make arrangement for his accommodation.

20 October

68) Aptitute for ( দক্ষতা/প্রবণতা থাকা ) Sachin had aptitude for batting from his early childhood.
69) Apprehensive of/about ( ভীত উদ্বিগ্ন ) She is apprehensive of failure.

19 October

66) Approve of ( অনুমোদন করা ) His father does not approve of his decision.
67) Apt in/at ( দক্ষ ) The boy is apt in Mathematics.

18 October

64) Apply to [ আবেদন করা (ব্যক্তি)] The student applied to the principal for a scholarship.
65) Apply for [আবেদন করা (কিছুর জন্য)] Ahan Roy applied for a job.

17 October

62) Appeal to [ আবেদন করা (কারুর কাছে) ] He appealed to the manager for loan.
63) Appeal against (কারুর বিরুদ্ধে) They appealed against the verdict.

16 October

60) Apologise to [ ক্ষমা চাওয়া (ব্যক্তি) ] You should apologise to her.
61) Apologise for [ ক্ষমা চাওয়া (কিছুর জন্য) ] Apologise for your misconduct.

15 October

58) Anxious about (উদ্বিগ্ন) Everyone is anxious about his health.
59) Anxious for (ব্যগ্র) The man is anxious for promotion.

14 October

56) Answer to (জবাব বা সাড়া দেওয়া ) Answer to the roll call.
57) Answer for ( কৈফিয়ৎ দেওয়া ) You have to answer for your conduct.

13 October

54) Annoyed with [ বিরক্ত (ব্যক্তির প্রতি) ] He is annoyed with me.
55) Annoyed at [বিরক্ত (ঘটনায়)] I felt annoyed at his behaviour.

12 October

51) Angry with [ ক্রুদ্ধ হওয়া (ব্যক্তির প্রতি) ] He is angry with me.
52) Angry about [ক্রুদ্ধ হওয়া (বিষয়ে)] What is he angry about?
53) Angry at [ক্রুদ্ধ হওয়া (ঘটনা/আচরণ)] She felt angry at the proposal.

11 October

49) Amount to (মোট) The cost amounts to Rs. 700.
50) Amused at (কৌতুক বোধ করা) The teacher was amused at his student's peculiar mistake.

10 October

47) Ambition for (উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষা) He had no ambition for fame.
48) Ambitious of (উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষী) He is ambitious of fame.

9 October

45) Aloof from (উদাসীন) He is aloof from the affairs happening around him.
46) Amazed at (বিস্মিত হওয়া) I felt amazed at the turn of the events.

8 October

43) Alive to (সতর্ক) He is fully alive to the possible dangers.
44) Alliance with (মিত্রতা) India has alliance with Russia.

7 October

40) Alien to (বিজাতীয়) Cruelty is a alien to his nature.
41) Alight from [নামা/অবতরণ(গাড়ি)] The girl alighted from a bus.
42) Alight on (কিছুর উপর নামা) The bird alighted on a branch.

6 October

38) Aim at (লক্ষ্য হওয়া /করা) The remarked are aimed at him.
39) Alarmed at [(আতঙ্ক/শঙ্কিত) The lady felt alarmed at the incident.

5 October

34) Affected by (ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হওয়া) The area was affected by flood water.
35) Agree with [সম্মত হওয়া(ব্যক্তির সঙ্গে)] I agree with him.
36) Agree to [ সম্মত হওয়া (প্রস্তাবে) ] He agreed to our request.
37) Agree on [একমত হওয়া (বিষয়ে)] We agreed on a date for our next holiday.

4 October

32) Affectionate to (স্নেহশীল) He is affectionate to me.
33) Afraid of (ভীত) Who is not afraid of death ?

3 October

30) Advantageous to (সুবিধাজনক) The new market is advantageous to the locals.
31) Affection for (স্নেহ থাকা) The woman has great affection for her grandson.

2 October

28) Admit of (স্বীকার করা) His behaviour admits of no regret.
29) Admit to (ভর্তি করা) The boy was admitted to class XI.

1 October

26) Adjacent to (সংলগ্ন) There is a room adjacent to his bedroom.
27) Adhere to (লেগে থাকা) I am adhering to my principles.

30 September

22) Adequate to/for (উপযুক্ত হওয়া) The water supply is not adequate for our needs.
23) Adapted to (অভ্যস্ত) Camels are adapted for the weather conditions of desert.
24) Adapted for (কোন উদ্দেশ্যে গৃহীত) The novel is adapted for for young readers.
25) Adapted from (কোন জায়গা থেকে গৃহীত) The piece was adapted from Shakespeare.

29 September

19) Accustomed to (অভ্যস্ত থাকা) The old man was not accustomed to heavy labour.
20) Add to (যোগ করা) The news added to our happiness.
21) Addicted to (আসক্ত) The man was addicted to gambling.

28 September

17) Accused of (অভিযুক্ত) The man was accused of murder.
18) Acquit of (নির্দোষ বলে মুক্ত করা) He was finally acquitted of the charges.

27 September

15) Accountable to (দায়ী থাকা) The leaders are accountable to the public. 16) Account for (কারন দেখানো) I can account for the mistake.

26 September

13) According to (অনুযায়ী) According to the Bible , God created the earth.
14) Acquainted with (পরিচিত হওয়া) I am not acquainted with the lady.

25 September

10) Accede to (সম্মত) Finally he was acceded to the proposal.
11) Accompanied by (সঙ্গী হওয়া) I was accompanied by my brother.
12) Accompanied with (সঙ্গে থাকা) The meat was accompanied with sauce.

24 September

8) Abstain from (বিরত থাকা) Abstain yourself from smoking.
9) Access to (প্রবেশাধিকার) Everyone has access to the club.

23 September

6) Absent from (অনুপস্থিত) The boy was absent from the class.
7) Absorbed in (মগ্ন) The students are absorbed in studies.

22 September

4) Abound in (প্রচুর পরিমাণে থাকে) The gulf abounds in sharks.
5) Abound with (ছেয়ে যাওয়া) The valley abounds with oranges.

21 September

1) Abide by (মেনে চলা) They must abide by the rules of the game.
2) Abide in/at (বাস করা) My uncle abides in/at kolkata.
3) Abide with (একত্রে বাস করা) The boys abide with his parents.

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