
Jan 4, 2022

Excise Constable Main Exam 2022 English Questions Answers

Excise Constable Main Exam 2022 English Questions Answers

আবগারি কনস্টেবল মেন পরীক্ষা 2022 ইংরেজির প্রশ্নোত্তর

01. I ________ never seen such a picture before.
ⓐ have ✔
ⓑ did
ⓒ has
ⓓ was

02. Find out whether there is any grammatical error in the sentence below.
If she will be promoted/she will get/a higher salary.
ⓐ a higher salary
ⓑ If she will be promoted ✔
ⓒ No error
ⓓ she will get

03. Find out the alternative of the underlined word from the following:
The new economic policy is likely to run into rough weather.
ⓐ encounter difficulties ✔
ⓑ make things difficult
ⓒ create problems
ⓓ confuse matters

04. Choose the correctly spelt word.
ⓐ Worrisom
ⓑ Worisome
ⓒ Worresome
ⓓ Worrisome ✔

05. He got too tired ______ over work.
ⓐ on
ⓑ because of ✔
ⓒ for
ⓓ because off

06. what will be the sequence of part of the sentence starting from (1) and ending as (6)?
(1): Yesterday, I chanced to meet
P: where he lived
Q: and asked him
R: now in his seventies
S: an old acquaintance,
(6): and what he did for his living.
The proper sequence should be:
ⓒ SRQP ✔

07. what will be the sequence of part of the sentence starting from (1) and ending as (6)?
(1): No part of his publication may be
P: without the written permission
Q: reproduced, stored in or transmitted
R: of the copyright owner and
S: in any form or by any means
(6): the publication of this book.
The proper sequence should be:
ⓓ QSPR ✔

08. what will be the sequence of part of the sentence starting from (1) and ending as (6)?
(1): The Reserve Bank of India has taken the risk
P: as measured by the wholesale Price Index
Q: by allowing a large flow of funds
R: when the annual rate of inflation
S: into the economy at a time
(6): is slowly moving up.
The proper sequence should be:
ⓓ QSPR ✔

09. Choose the correct sentence.
ⓐ Would you like the glass of water ?
ⓑ Do you like a glass of water ?
ⓒ Do you like the glass of water ?
ⓓ Would you like a glass of water ? ✔

10. Find out the alternative of the underlined word from the following:
The number of globetrotters has increased after the second world war.
ⓐ people of importance
ⓑ foreign countries
ⓒ travellers around the world ✔
ⓓ great persons

11. Choose the correctly spelt word.
ⓐ Consencus
ⓑ Concensus
ⓒ Consansus
ⓓ Consensus ✔

12. Find out whether there is any grammatical error in the sentence below.
My father goes/to his office/five day week.
ⓐ five day week ✔
ⓑ My father goes
ⓒ No error
ⓓ to his office

13. Find out whether there is any grammatical error in the sentence below.
If I were him,/I would have taught/those cheats a lesson.
ⓐ those cheats a lesson
ⓑ If I were him, ✔
ⓒ No error
ⓓ I would have taught

14. Choose the correct sentence.
ⓐ A vegetarian is a person who never is eating meat.
ⓑ A vegetarian is a person who never eats meat. ✔
ⓒ A vegetarian is a person who never eat meat.
ⓓ A vegetarian is a person who is never eating meat.

15. Choose the correctly spelt word.
ⓐ Harassment ✔
ⓑ Harasment
ⓒ Harresment
ⓓ Harrasment

16.Change the direct speech into indirect speech.
I said to my brother, "Let us go to some hill station for a change."
ⓐ I permitted my brother to go to some hill station for a change.
ⓑ I asked my brother to go to some hill station for a change.
ⓒ I suggested my brother that we should go to some hill station for a change. ✔
ⓓ I asked my brother if he would to go to some hill station for a change.

17. Choose the correct sentence.
ⓐ I and Jimmy had went home.
ⓑ I and Jimmy went home.
ⓒ Jimmy and I gone home.
ⓓ Jimmy and I went home. ✔

18. Find out the alternative of the underlined word from the following:
I have come to know of your hole and corner method of dealing with people.
ⓐ secret ✔
ⓑ strict
ⓒ suspicious
ⓓ servile

19. what will be the sequence of part of the sentence starting from (1) and ending as (6)?
(1): What handicapped people
P: an opportunity to pull their weight
Q: but what we are ready
R: and do something useful
S: want most of all is
(6): to offer is pity.
The proper sequence should be:
ⓒ SPRQ ✔

20. Her thinking leans ________ democracy.
ⓐ for
ⓑ with
ⓒ to
ⓓ towards ✔

21. Choose the correct sentence.
ⓐ Sony buy two dozen apples.
ⓑ Sony bought two dozens apples.
ⓒ Sony had bought two dozens apples.
ⓓ Sony bought two dozen apples. ✔

22.Change the direct speech into indirect speech.
He said to his servant, "Why are you so lazy today ?"
ⓐ He asked his servant why he was being so lazy that day.
ⓑ He asked his servant why he was so lazy that day. ✔
ⓒ He asked his servant why was he so lazy that day.
ⓓ He asked his servant why he had been so lazy that day.

23.Change the direct speech into indirect speech.
He said to her, "Don't read so fast."
ⓐ He requested her not to read so fast.
ⓑ He told her not to read so fast ✔
ⓒ He orderd her don't read so fast.
ⓓ He advised her don't read so fast.

24. what will be the sequence of part of the sentence starting from (1) and ending as (6)?
(1): The district collector
P: the next of kin
Q: would be provided to
R: announced that financial assistance
S: of the deceased
(6): from the Chief Minister's Relief Fund.
The proper sequence should be:
ⓐ RQPS ✔

25. Find out whether there is any grammatical error in the sentence below.
He is going everyday/for a morning walk/with his friends and neighbours.
ⓐ with his friends and neighbours
ⓑ He is going everyday ✔
ⓒ No error
ⓓ for a morning walk

26. Choose the correct sentence.
ⓐ The girl is taken biscuits every day.
ⓑ The girl is taking biscuits every day.
ⓒ The girl is being taken biscuits every day.
ⓓ The girl takes biscuits every day. ✔

27. Find out the alternative of the underlined word from the following:
The trade union's seemingly rightful demand is only a stalking horse to blackmail the management.
ⓐ pretence ✔
ⓑ trick
ⓒ suggesion
ⓓ proposal

28 Find out the alternative of the underlined word from the following:
Wait here, I shall be back in a jiffy.
ⓐ at once
ⓑ in a hurry ✔
ⓒ after some time
ⓓ by some vehicle

29. Choose the correct sentence.
ⓐ He is the youngest to the two brothers.
ⓑ He is the youngest of the two brothers.
ⓒ He is the younger to the two brothers.
ⓓ He is younger of the two brothers. ✔

30.Change the direct speech into indirect speech.
Pinki said to Gaurav, "will you help me in my work just now ?"
ⓐ Pinki told Gaurav whether he will help her in her work just now.
ⓑ Pinki asked Gaurav if he would help her in her work just then. ✔
ⓒ Pinki asked to Gaurav that will he help her in her work just now.
ⓓ Pinki questioned to Gaurav that will you help me in her work just now.

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